Sunday, August 23, 2009

such great heights

Went to the ex yesterday. Almost didn't bring the battery for my camera, devastating so I got my mom to drop it off at work for me. So glad that happened. I also took pictures with the fisheye but I'm still not done the roll of film so I still gotta wait! Film's exciting like that.
I guess it was fun to just walk around and such. Didn't go on any fold up rides, haha.. Brought chocolate, ate corn, funnel cake, shawrma, and spent so much money on drinks. The place was so crowded!

I made a video earlier today. Pretty proud of myself since I didn't have a tripod with me or anything and everything looks pretty still!!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Aw, those are some beautiful photos! I love them .. and especially that video! It goes perfectly with the song. Great work fee :) You should have texted me! But it's okay, I didn't even get there until late - around 9PM. The girls should get together and go down to CNE again :)

  3. I love the video. It's so nostalgic. I would love to go to CNE with the girls! I'm free weekends!
