Wednesday, June 16, 2010

doors open

I’m way behind on blog posts, probably going to miss documenting about some things that’ve happened but this one was hard to pass! May 29-30(?) was Doors Open Toronto.. different historic and architectual buildings were open to the public for free. I was able to visit Le Royal Meridian King Edward, Toronto’s First Post Office and the Toronto Railway Heritage Centre.

Ah, it’s been so long but I had to find the time to edit photos and stuff. First stop was the King Edward hotel, we were bought up to the Crystal Ballroom which was apparently really famous up until 1950s. Now its just a very nice open room, they should really renovate it and reuse it, it would make such a nice ballroom. I swear I could have my wedding there!! The windows surrounding the whole ballroom was just amazing,

The view from one of the windows..

The hotel was so pretty, there were other ballrooms that we toured.

The Beatles stayed here for their visit in Toronto in 1964. :D

Next stop, we went to Toronto’s First Post Office. I came here when I was young for Doors Open and so I wanted to come again to see if I remembered anything. Obivously everything seemed so much smaller. But they still had a chance for visitors to write letters with a real quill and seal their letters with wax just like how they did it, back in the day.

The last place we had time to go to was the Toronto Railway Heritage Centre..

We climbed into this train to check out the engine part of it. It was so crowded but the guy explained how it would get extremely hot in there too cause it was a steam engine (which they obviously don’t use anymore..).

Look a GO train!

A little stop motion I made of the whole area. This semi circle thing was the train station, and the thing in the middle swivles and turns so that it can be matched up to one of the entrances into the station. Pretty impressive for taking the pictures handheld :D I was so stuck pivoting my feet though.

The place was right next to the Steam Whistle Brewery. We got free beer! I didn’t like it :(

That day I also had the chance to try macarons for the first time:

For dinner, O’Noir experience was alright. I mean I quite enjoyed eating in the dark. I don’t know why but to me, darkness always kinda relates to silence. I like how silence didn’t have to be awkward at all! I felt really quite at peace eating in the dark, although I did freak out over slippery butter. My shrimp was a bit burnt but the tomato risotto was really good! Somehow, argula always finds its way into my dishes though (it was in my appetizer)…


  1. These photos are great! I love the high ceilings and large picture windows of the hotel. Hope that you enjoyed the macaroons, i think they're yummy!

    Just letting you know that as well that I'm hosting a giveaway, i hope you enter:

  2. I have never heard of doors open! What a lovely concept, I definitely want to go next year! That ballroom is absolutely STUNNING, even if it's worn down. How did you like the macaroons? They are so yummy haha

  3. Ooohh... I love the pictures taken and I swear I would feel the chill being there in the hotel where beatles were (haha!). and I agree with you! The ballroom is SO amazing! With such view from its windows too! I wish I'm THAT rich so I can renovate and reuse it, it'll make me big money, don't you think? haha...

    and thank you for visiting my blog :)
