First time trying Hachitarou Sushi lunch buffet.. I got to say - I was really unimpressed. There was nothing memorable, I was craving sushi the next day! (Still am :() The service was bad.. I mean the first order of things were even all completed, we were pretty sure that our plate of sushi was delivered to the table next to us but oh well.. On top of that, we received some questionable things.. like fried shrimp (not the tempera shrimp), which we didn't even order. The sushi rolls were small and not very good in general. The tempuras had too much batter. The drinks were like water! The service was lacking as well, I swear there was some sort of communication problem and it was always hard to track a server down. Because we went on a holiday, the lunch price was jacked up to like.. $14 (I think the regular was 11.99) and we couldn't use the discount card! Overall, not a good experience at all.
Went to the driving range and well, obviously I was not dressed appropriately for it. We were going to a family dinner afterwards, I was dressed for that, not golf :P. Ended up just taking a bunch of pictures! Well, not the most flattering pictures but...
Porshe Boxster..He promised he would buy me when we grow up. YEAAH no, just joking :(. I wish!
Dinner was super good as expected, even though it was just burgers! I had a chicken burger and topped it with so many things! There were mushrooms, caramelized onions, etc. yummm. The plate was so cute too, they were paper plates but looked so real.. I had been craving burgers for so long, this definitely did it :)
Last year, we were apart for Victoria's Day - he emailed me a picture of him making a heart with sparkler, this year we were able to make one together! Yay
1. Whose Porsche is that then?
3. Love the skirt(?)